After well over three years I have completed my version of the Jane Pizar quilt this is held at my local museum in Cheltenham where I live.
I first saw her in 2010 and in 2014 got permission from the museum to measure and take detailed photos of her.
The original quilt or should I say coverlet is really large 108 1/2 x 91 1/2. It consists of the centre and 54 blocks. As it’s so large I decided to only make 40 of the blocks so may be I should call her in The Spirit of Jane Pizar.
My friend drew the centre up for me to get me started but then sadly died so I then decided I had to find a way of drawing the circle blocks. I had never done anything like this before and dug out my late husband geometry set and stared playing on graph paper . A couple of friends who I shall call my quilt fairies drew a couple of blocks for me too.
So some 3 years later I have finished her.
I wasn’t working on this project the whole time but the last year has been all time consuming with it.
Now to get her quilted.
My dog Mia has sat many an hour while I’ve been making this and I think she’s pretty glad it’s finished

Happy Stitching.