Well I am still here and have been working on my challenge quilt . Show and tell date for showing this is 1st January so you will still have to wait a while to see what Barb, Lori , Jill and I have been up too.
Do you remember this ? Well I have got back into making more and more Klosjes and now have these.
I was hoping making these would have made a dent in the scrap bag, but sadly NOT so I will continue to make them and start adding more borders of them.
I was very excited yesterday as my Special Winter edition of Quiltmania arrived. I would love anyone of the 12 projects inside this edition. Note I say love anyone and Not MAKE everyone.I would like to make all of them but theirs another couple of years I have to find for living. I need to find the potion for eternal youth so I can fit it all in.
Linda from
http://quiltsinthebarnaus.blogspot.co.uk/ and Margaret from
http://www.quiltstation.com.au/mewsings both have quilts in there. Well done ladies they are beauties.
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Thursday we a special day for me here in the UK as I was invited to my neighbours for Thanksgiving dinner. This is not a holiday we celebrate here but am now thankful I was asked as it was all very nice and it is something else I have ticked of the bucket list.
So better late then never I will leave you with a photo of my Turkey Tracks Quilt and hope all of you on the other side of the pond had a delicious turkey dinner with all the trimmings as I did.
Happy Stitching