Well this is truly a scrap quilt one that I purchased at Rennigers Antique Fair Mount Dora, Florida.
The dealers had to cover up their tables as it was pouring with rain but I spyed this one through some polythene. It is not a thing of beauty but I bought it for the historical fabrics in it. They have mainly got to be around the 1860's but have dated the Prussian blue block earlier. It was filthy and smelt damp so I went to the Queen Ann's lace quilt shop and bought some soft quilt soap and took it back to the house and put it in the washer on a lukewarm wash. It came out a treat. I could really have a good look at it then and you will see from the photos it is mainly bear paw block with a few surprise blocks thrown in for good measure. Some of the block have so many scrap pieces in them to make up the block. The backing is a 60's polyester sheet and it is tied, I guess somebody took pity on this old top and thought they would get some use out of it.I took pity on it too and it came home with me to good old blighty.
I have been to Reniger's in Mount Dora more than once.